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Zszc Bot Silkroad426 Windows 32 Utorrent Full Version Software


Zszc is a trojan that uses keyloggers and other means to steal information from a computer. It then sends the information to a remote attacker. It also makes it possible for the user's keyboard and mouse actions to be manipulated by Zszc, which can cause harm or earn money for the attacker. Zszc was likely initially distributed on the "Silk Road", an online marketplace where illegal goods such as drugs and hacking services were sold, but some versions of Zszc have been found on torrent sites. Zszc was supposedly created by a hacker who goes by the name of Zszc or Zszc-Darkshell or DarkShell. It is believed that at one point Zszc sold the worm on Silk Road for $500, but this information has not been verified. Zszc was initially released using instant messaging software to infect system files. Later versions were distributed through links on torrent sites and forums. Zszc is known to be found at least in versions 6,7,8 and 9. No known version has been found to not run on Windows XP, Vista, and 7. According to some Zszc users, the first version of Zszc was released in 2008. The original pricing was $500 USD. According to a user on a Russian forum called "Exploit 4U", the first "public" version of Zszc was discovered on February, 2009. It's unknown if this is true or not. The used keylogger currently available is the Keylogger AllInOne from It only logs the following: http://www.securityfocus. com/bid/61181/discussion/124300 http://www. hashtool.aspx allinoneguide002811.mspx#bkmk_section4 .securityfocus. cfa1e77820

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